Transforming lives that change the world.

Let’s Find Out Our Church Family

With a passion and zeal for the lost and hurting world, our church is looking for ways to build bridges to a cynical and jaded society. We aim to take a different approach in reaching out and helping people along the journey. We stress cultural relevancy and utilize all medias and means to communicate the church message. It’s very important to believe that you’re the one.

Inspiring Stories from
Life Change

Several months ago, Tina was struggling to find peace where she
was in life. She really didn’t feel like going to church; God led her to give our church a try. Once she did, she was a mazed at the amount of peace she found by being here. In fact, each week, she couldn’t wait to get back to church.

Coming Up

Check out our calendar
see what’s happening in the
days and months ahead


Worship night in church music hall

To join this big event, simply click on the read more, You are invited.

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